5 Reasons to Use Next.js: Unlock the Power of React to Create Powerful Web Apps
My top 5 features in NextJS and reasons why you should consider it for your Next project, pun intended
Next.js is an open-source React framework that enables developers to quickly create powerful, dynamic web applications. With its wide range of features, developers can create better user experiences and provide more functionality to their web applications. From its out-of-the-box features like server-side rendering and zero configuration setup, to its advanced features like API routes, Next.js is the perfect tool to build powerful and efficient web applications. In this article, we’ll be going through some of the best features that Next.js has to offer, and how they can help developers create powerful and efficient web applications.
1. Uses ReactJS
This one might be part of my personal preference, as I prefer using ReactJS. However, there are many good implications of this. The first and biggest one is community. Custom solutions come with custom problems, and a lower number of people using them lowers the chance to find those issues or solutions for them. When there is some issue that is related to ReactJS, whether it is an issue or wanted new feature, there is a big team of ReactJS core developers who listen to the community. That same community is very active on different web pages like StackOverflow and is always willing to help.
2. Well-defined pages structure
NextJS has a well-defined structure that is used for resolving routes based on the file structure. Currently, everyone still uses the pages folder, and routes are resolved based on anything placed in it. If there is a React component file in the pages/home folder, when you open [YOU_URL]/home, this component is rendered. There are a few special cases. Some of the main ones are:
pages/_app.js Main wrapper for the application. You could add a reusable layout here.
Error pages If you get an error, like 404 by requesting the non-existing route, NextJS will immediately return the appropriate default error page. However, those are easy to overwrite. In the case of 404, it would be by creating a pages/404.js component.
Dynamic routes Not all routes are static, and there are those with dynamic paths. You create those by just naming the file with the parameter name wrapped in the square brackets, like [id].ts. The parameter will be passed to the component as a prop.
Some changes are coming in NextJS in the structure area. They already release support for the app folder, however, the pages folder is not going anywhere yet. Support for it still stays, and the app folder will work quite similarly to it but with more capabilities.
Maybe the biggest reason for this to be an important feature is standard. Whoever worked with the NextJS project, has a much easier time adjusting to a new project. Something very important for companies especially as it reduces the time needed for new employees to start coding sooner.
3. Rendering optimizations
When it comes to rendering, NextJS supports three different types. Those are client-side rendering, server-side rendering, and static-side generation. Each rendering type has its use, and I won’t go into details but all are powerful ways to optimize rendering and improve web applications performance. NextJS makes using these features very easy. Specially pre-rendering ones.
4. API support
The majority of the web applications are not UI only but also depend on some API server for data. In the case of single-page applications, that often meant different technology like Java or at least different projects. With NextJS, you get support for the NodeJS API. That way, you can do full development without leaving your project.
5. Vercel CI support
CI is probably the most difficult thing for developers. We are always focused on the code, but when it comes to setting up build pipelines and different environments, we are lost. This is where Vercel comes to the help. NextJS is under Vercel, so there is a great integration for it. All you need to do is push your code to GitHub and connect it to the Vercel. Out of the box, you will get automatic builds, deployments, and even custom deployment environments per branch.
NextJS has many other great features and these are just my favorite ones. But still, it is an amazing framework, and if you are starting a new web application, definitely one to be considered.
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